Fly Tying for Alaska fishing trips can be a great way to keep your mind on the fun trip ahead. Tying flies that will produce more Rainbow trout and salmon for your trip will save you money. The first entry will deal with putting together an articulated hook system. Articulated flies work well imitating leaches, minnows, other fish. I enjoy …
There are many kenai river guide trip opportunities available. Rainbow trout, dolly varden, king salmon, silver salmon, sockeye salmon and many more. We offer both fly and spin fishing trips so no matter how you would like to pursue these beautiful fish we can accommodate you. We also can provide drift boat and/or power boat guided fishing trips. Fall …
Kasilof river King Salmon fishing is getting good now. On a guide trip last Tues. and took a beautiful fresh 20lbs. King salmon. We had a few other hits and caught a few Dolly Varden, Steel head, and flounder in the tidal water. Things are looking up and the fishing should only get better on the kenai peninsula. If you’d …
Cordova Alaska Fishing
I will be in Cordova Alaska fishing for the next week for steelhead, sea run cutthroat, rainbow trout, and Dolly Varden. The fishing should be good unless the rivers get blown out and it is calling for rain throughout the week. It’s that time in Alaska! I haven’t been able to get out and fish to much due to the weather …
fall steel head fishing is in full swing right now. I don’t know if it is good or bad… The river level that is. On one hand I cannot get to my favorite “winter fishing” areas because I can’t wade across the river. On the other hand these levels make the river very easy to float the Kenai River. The …
Steelhead fishing the Kenai peninsula
Steelhead fishing the kenai peninsula often requires a lot of walking. We will put in a few miles a day in search of productive runs. Often if you don’t hook up in a few drifts we will move in search of hot fish. Once we find a concentration of steelhead we may be working that run for the most part …
Fly Fishing Steelhead on the Kenai Peninsula is for the dedicated angler. Steelhead are an ocean run rainbow trout and will return to the fresh water to spawn. Fresh steelhead are as hard of a fighting fish that you can catch in fresh water. I put them at the top of the list to pursue. Once hooked up you will …
Winter fly fishing on the kenai peninsula, Alaska The Kenai Peninsula continues to produce both steelhead and rainbow trout in the right stream. The steelhead fishing continue to arrive daily in those streams that support steelhead and since these streams have not iced over yet, fishing has been productive. Streamers and eggs continue to produce with mixed results from …
Termination Dust covers the mountain tops around Kenai Lake. Fall is well underway and winter is threatening more and more each day. The Kenai peninsula steelhead fishing and the Kenai river rainbow trout fishing has been outstanding. Guided fishing trips will be offered until freeze up. This varies every year but feel free to give us a call and see …
We offer guided Kenai pennisula steelhead fishing trips in April, May, June, September and October. The Cost of a steelhead fishing trip is 275.00 per person and exclusive packages are available. We have both walk and wade and drift boat opportunities at these hard fighting fishing. Our guide service will supply waders, rods, and other tackle you will be responsible …
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