Guided Kasilof king salmon fishing is well under way. We are having lots of fun and working hard to get you hooked up on a hard fighting king salmon. guided kenai river and kasilof river king salmon fishing can be booked here today! tight lines scott sager
Officially Spring on the Kenai Peninsula
It has been a long winter here in Alaska with close to record breaking snows in South Central and the kenai peninsula, hopefully that is behind us for a few months now. Longer days and nicer weather seem to be upon us! The Kenai River Fishing season will be upon us before we know it here in Alaska, though we …
DRIVING DIRECTIONS TO IZAAK WALTON BOAT LAUNCH IN STERLING, ALASKA View IZAAK WALTON OR MOOSE RIVER BOAT LAUNCH in a larger map Most trips meet here for Rainbow trout, Silver Salmon and sometimes King salmon fishing trips. Izzak Walton boat launch in located at the moose river bridge in Sterling Alaska. The Izzak walton boat launch and state park has …
First run of Kenai River King Salmon Opportunities at for kenai river king salmon fishing starts in early to the middle of May. Our drift boat makes is possible to navigate through the shallow Kenai River and get to concentrated first runs of king salmon. By the first of June the Kenai river is usually high enough that we will …
Guided Kasilof river King salmon fishing is officially over on the Kenai peninsula now. The end of July marks the end of King salmon fishing on the Kenai peninsula. Though it was a great season we are now geared up and focused on Silver Salmon, Sockeye salmon and rainbow trout fishing now. I had the pleasure of fishing with …
Kasilof River king salmon fishing has been great! Good fishing and less crowds has made for a great season on the Kasilof river. It is however getting more popular every year, it is the sister river to the Kenai river and big fish are caught often. These fish are here and every year someone gets schooled on a fish that …
Kenai River King Salmon Fishing Trip
After a long week of fishing some friends and I got a chance to break in a buddies new Willie classic power boat on Sunday. I don’t usually get a chance to catch a King Salmon on the kenai river myself but this day I did. Sometimes it takes sitting in the front seats to know how nice a guided …
There are many ways of cleaning kenai river king salmon and this is just one of them. A great way to remove scales from a big king salmon is to use a power washer. Some good friends of mine showed me this a few years ago and it will work on any fish that you wish to remove scales before …
king salmon guide trip
What age is to young to come out on a King Salmon guide trip? Fishing for Kings can be a lot of work so it depends on the person. We like to see family’s out on the water spending time together so all ages are welcome. Don’t hesitate to get a young person into fishing as early as possible. The …
Hope everyone had a great and safe 4th of July holiday! We were out on the river enjoying the sun and some kasilof river king salmon fishing. kasilof river Fishing was good with some bigger fish showing up. The fish of the day was a big Kasilof river king salmon. Often in July we see fish in the 50 pound …