Drifting on the FlyDRIFTING ON THE FLY

DRIVING DIRECTIONS TO IZAAK WALTON BOAT LAUNCH IN STERLING, ALASKA View IZAAK WALTON OR MOOSE RIVER BOAT LAUNCH in a larger map Most trips meet here for Rainbow trout, Silver Salmon and sometimes King salmon fishing trips. Izzak Walton boat launch in located at the moose river bridge in Sterling Alaska. The Izzak walton boat launch and state park has …


Drifting on the FlyDRIFTING ON THE FLY

DRIVING DIRECTIONS TO THE UPPER KENAI RIVER BOAT LAUNCH View UPPER KENAI RIVER BOAT LAUNCH in a larger map Visit AK State Parks for more about the upper Kenai river boat launch. Located at the Kenai Lake bridge in Cooper Landing the upper Kenai river boat launch is a great place to access the river.  Right at the boat launch …


Drifting on the FlyDRIFTING ON THE FLY

DRIVING DIRECTIONS FROM SOLDOTNA ALASKA TO BINGS STATE PARK AND BOAT LAUNCH IN STERLING. Most Drifting on the Fly’s Rainbow trout and Silver salmon trip will meet here in the mornings. View DIRECTIONS TO BING’S LANDING in a larger map Bings boat Landing is located on Bings road in Sterling Alaska.  Bing’s landing and state park a lot to offer …


Drifting on the FlyDRIFTING ON THE FLY

Directions to Jims Landing View DIRECTIONS TO JIM’S LANDING in a larger map     Jims Landing is the last take out before the Kenai River Canyon. If you float past here you will have to navigate through class 111 whitewater rapids before coming to Skilak Lake.  From the outlet of Skilak Lake to the Upper Skilak Lake Boat Launch …

Sportsmans Landing

Drifting on the FlyDRIFTING ON THE FLY

Directions to Sportsmans Landing home of the Russian River ferry. View DIRECTIONS TO SPORTSMAN’S LANDING in a larger map Sportsmans landing in Cooper landing Alaska is where the world famous russian river ferry is located.  Each year the Russian River Ferry takes thousands of anglers across the Kenai river to fish for Salmon.  It’s not uncommon to see sightings of …