Drifting on the FlyDRIFTING ON THE FLY

Kenai peninsula clam digging can be spectacular.  If you enjoy clams and are heading north to go fishing check the tide tables and plan your trip on the low of low tides.  Any dates with a negative tide should produce good clam digging.  Find a divet in the sand and start digging.  I like to dig a couple times with a shovel to get close and then dig by hand.  I tend to break less clams this way but many techniques work well and along with a good meal it is a ton of fun.  Last week we had some great tides and my wife and I filled the bag with them.  The law requires you to have a fishing license to dig and you have to keep any razor clam that you pull up.  Those that get the hang of pulling up these fast, tasty guys up can keep 60 of them a day.  The average clam is about 5 inches and you can score clams up to about 8 inches.

If you have any questions about seeking clams out feel free to contact me at

Thanks and good fishing,

Scott Sager