Fly Tying for Alaska fishing trips can be a great way to keep your mind on the fun trip ahead. Tying flies that will produce more Rainbow trout and salmon for your trip will save you money. The first entry will deal with putting together an articulated hook system. Articulated flies work well imitating leaches, minnows, other fish. I enjoy …
Fly tying for Alaska silver salmon fishing is a great way to pass the cold winter months. Filling your fly boxes in the winter can save you lots of time when the bite is on. There is nothing that can slow a great day of fishing down more than running out of your favorite pattern. I start with silver …
Winter Kenai River Rainbow Trout Fishing
A few things to keep in mind for Winter Kenai River Rainbow Trout Fishing. 1, watch the weather patterns and fronts that are moving through. If it is calling for a high of 30 degrees it is probably going to be warm enough to keep the ice off the guides for a few hours. 2, fish slow and thorough …
Kenai River Rainbow Trout Fishing In October
Kenai River Rainbow Trout Fishing in October is a great time to get out and experience the river. The crowds are starting to dwindle and the water levels usually are doing the same. The weather can get cold and snow will be in the forecast more than likely but the fish will be there. Being new to fly fishing, Sam …
There are many kenai river guide trip opportunities available. Rainbow trout, dolly varden, king salmon, silver salmon, sockeye salmon and many more. We offer both fly and spin fishing trips so no matter how you would like to pursue these beautiful fish we can accommodate you. We also can provide drift boat and/or power boat guided fishing trips. Fall …
Timing your Kenai River Fishing Trip
Timing your Kenai River fishing trip depends on the species that you primarily want to pursue make sure. For instance if you would like to go after Kenai river sockeye salmon you would want to book you guided trip with us in late July or early august. There are overlapping peak dates for multiple species as well. Like king salmon …
Kenai river king salmon fishing should be something you do on your visit to the kenai peninsula in July! Many fish are caught every year over 70 pounds and a 50 pound fish in not uncommon. The Kenai River is big and runs fast in the summer months. We have power boat so that we can rework the runs and …
Kenai River Guide Trip
A popular Kenai river guide trip is for Sockeye Salmon, We offer many fishing opportunities in July and August for sockeye salmon. Some of the best gravel bars are accessible on the middle kenai river. We fish here almost exclusively during the peak of the sockeye salmon runs. We look for the Sockeye salmon fishing to pick up in the …
Kenai river King Salmon are coming in better numbers every day. The rivers both kenai and kasilof are fishing well right now. Drift fishing has still been hit or miss depending on the day. A few Sockeye Salmon are showing up in the Kenai River this week. Be sure to familiarize yourself if you plan to fish the Kenai river …
Today I got off work, removed my studded tires and got my all terrains back on the truck. After I got my chores done I found time to go and explore a stream here in Anchorage. Ship Creek is a well known Salmon run river that holds a few Rainbow trout too. I didn’t spend much time fishing it but …