This week we are proud to go live with our new Drifting on the fly website. Now the homepage will be directly updated with our blog posts and the content has been made user friendly and easier to find. Just like with our fishing techniques, we strive to stay up to date on our outreach techniques as well. If you …
Happy new year
Kim and I are now home from the hospital with our daughter Katherine Mary Sager (Kate). The three of us couldn’t be happier. Mom and daughter are healthy and life is good. I hope that everyone had a great New Years this year! It’s been unseasonably warm here in south central Alaska in the last few weeks. I would usually …
Merry christmas
Christmas is a wonderful time of year. Family, friends and giving thanks is what is most important to us. I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday and enjoys all that the festivities has to offer. This year Kim and I where woken up early to signs of our first child’s arrival. We are now 8 hours into the labor …
KingFisher Restaurant
After a good day of fishing the upper Kenai river fishing for rainbow trout and dolly Varden we decided to have dinner at the kingfisher restaurant. The KingFisher restaurant is located just above the waters edge on Kenai lake, excellent food and one of the best views of any restaurant I’ve been to. Plus I really enjoy the IPA that …
Kenai river rainbow trout fishing
A few eagles feeding along the Kenai river, we also saw a brown bear fishing along the river as well. I was able to maneuver the boat close enough for my guest to get some great photos. Wildlife along the Kenai river is abundant and you never know what you might see on …
Simms fishing products
Simms fishing products are always a great purchase and last for a long time. I have abused many of there products in 17 years of taking people fishing and still depend on their products today. Making good use of another Simms fishing products, The workbench bottle opener comes in handy in the evening while washing my boats and getting gear …
sockeye salmon fishing
Hanging out at the boat launch on the Kenai river this morning. Had the boat launched early (O dark 30). Waited for an hour for the guest to show up. This usually isn’t a big deal but with the added pressure this year of red fisherman it was this morning. The gravel bar that I really like was filled up …
Kenai river sockeye salmon fishing
I was able to get on the same gravel bar today that I had yesterday and managed to scrape together my two limits. Kenai river Sockeye salmon fishing is still spotty but fish are passing up river in small spurts. Hard work and determination will pay off at the end of the day with a limit of reds (sockeye salmon). …
Hanging out on the Kenai river
Hanging out on the Kenai river today waiting for a push of sockeye salmon to come our way. We are still a few days away from the big push of second run of reds (sockeye salmon). On average the reds usually hit the river in big numbers by the 15th of July so our hopes of filling the limit aren’t …
Gary king Alaska series raft
I have a 13′ x 6’1″ Alaska series raft for sale. It has never been in the water and is two years old. I would call it in mint condition. It comes with frame, two oars, a rowers seat, a repair kit, an air pump, a transom for a small kicker, a storage bag, 11 reinforced D rings attached to …