Smoking Alaska sockeye salmon

Drifting on the FlyDRIFTING ON THE FLY


Smoking Alaska sockeye salmon takes some time but is well worth it.  Cooling your smoked salmon is very important before packaging it.  Cooling racks can be made just about out of anything but when you are doing a fair amount of fish in the smoker it is nice to have racks stacked like this one.


Carrying for your catch might mean smoking Alaska sockeye salmon.  There might not be a better treat to my family than pulling a pack of smoked salmon caught on the Kenai river out of the freezer. It is excellent just by itself, made into a cream cheese dip or used to cook with for a meal on the BBQ!

Taking care of your harvest is the most important thing we can do. Though for the most part I believe in catch and release for most species of fish, being able to harvest some fresh Alaska sockeye salmon salmon adds a great food source for us throughout the year.  Sockeye salmon season is over for this year but if you would like a guide for next season give us a call early and we can get you lined up on the best date to fish for some kenai river sockeye salmon!

Tight lines
Scott Sager
Drifting on the fly