kenai river fishing for rainbow trout was slower today but we did manage to hook a few and land a few! I found that swinging leeches with a sinking tip line got the most bites. The Kenai river is big and the fish are spread out more now. I found fish in the eddies and in the normal spots but no big concentration were found. Big bunny leeches and smaller flesh fly patterns seemed to be the ticket on a dead drift. Some days its a dead drift and some days it is on the swing. I will put an indicator on with a trusted pattern and run a dead drift and swing it at the end of the drift. If I see that most of my takes are on the swing I will take the indicator off and take more of a down and across approach.
This unlucky sockeye salmon decided to take a leech on the swing. After a long winter a fresh salmon on the BBQ is always looked forward too. A 10 to 12 pound fish on a 7 weight fly rod put up a great battle.