Cabin Fever

Drifting on the FlyDRIFTING ON THE FLY


I enjoy many of natures experiences year round, but mid Jan.  is when I try to get most of my fly tying done.  It is something that can take you to past experiences and also prepare you for the upcoming fishing season.  These days the first thing I concentrate on are silver flies.  Silver patterns in my selection can vary from a size 8 nymph to a 2/0 streamer.  The selection in your box may be different but here are a few flies that are standbys for me.

– The muddler minnow tied with natural deer hair is one that stands out.  I like to tone it down when the fish have seen a lot of pressure and fish a fly that is not so flashy and the muddler minnow gets it done for me,

-also a standby are bunny flies.  Rabbit hair has natural movement in the water and can be tied in any color and variation.
If you have any questions or would like further information don’t hesitate to contact me for further information.  Good luck and I hope that you can get out and enjoy some of winters outdoor recreation.