The Alaska Kenai Peninsula weather has been ugly the last few days. I drove up to anchorage for yesterday and encountered some heavy gust of wind and bad rain on the way up and the way back.
This is a picture I took coming around turnagain arm this morning. The wind had to be blowing at least 40 miles per hour here.
The Alaska railroad along Turnagain arm heading to the kenai peninsula
I Launched my boat on the Kenai River this evening and it ended up being beautiful. The wind laid down and the clouds even let a few rays of sun through.The fishing season is far from over on the Kenai peninsula. In slower parts of the system like in this picture you can find concentrations of Silver salmon. Here I like to throw steamer patterns such as egg sucking leeches or articulated bunny flies, spinners also work well. I find that a slow steady retrieve finds most of my bites.
If you are interested in one of the prime dates for rainbow trout, silver salmon and or steelhead give us a call anytime.
Tight lines,
Scott Sager
Drifting on the fly