Alaska Fly Out rainbow Trout Fishing


Alaska fly out rainbow trout fishing trips are really something to look forward to.  I leave tomorrow on a 7 day adventure in Bristol Bay for trophy rainbow trout and king salmon fishing.  This is a personally designed trip for the HARD CORE, adventurous fisherman that wants to get the most out of there experience.  We will be in state of the art tents, comfortable 18 ft. rafts and eating like kings.  On this adventure we will be floating 72 miles of river, starting in the high country and ending up in dense, forested country near where the Nushagak River starts.  From the wildlife to the fish that haven’t seen a fly in a year or more, we expect to do very well on this trip.  Grayling, rainbow trout, Dolly Varden, chum salmon, king salmon,  and northern pike are all expected to be seen on this trip.  There is lots of planning involved in a trip like this so if you are interested in putting a back country trip of a lifetime together in the bush of Alaska make your plans with our guide service early.  We will only fish up to 6 people on two rafts on our back country trips to ensure a personal trip that you are never going to forget.

I will not be able to get back to emails or phone calls until the 25th of June starting tomorrow.  Don’t hesitate to leave a voice mail or send an email if you are inquiring about a trip and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!


Big Bristol Bay rainbow trout often take mouse patterns viciously in the spring before the salmon show up.  We plan to do very well on patterns such as this one!

If your interested in booking a like this or a guide trip on the kenai river give us a call and we’ll work closely with you to make it happen!

Tight lines,
Scott sager