A good friend of mine lives in sterling Alaska. Every time I visit him he is working on a very elaborate project! This summer he has finished his raised bed Alaska garden and fence. When Ray makes anything you can bet it isn’t half way done.
When he was peeling the logs by hand, i asked if he might be building another cabin like the one he built last summer. He said “no, these logs are for a fence to keep the moose out”! Fair enough
Here is a picture of the cabin he finished last year. I’ve been in a few Alaska log cabins and even though this one isn’t but about 800 square foot it has as much character as any cabin I’ve ever been in. Not to mention the matching out houses behind it!
A little hard work and a creative mind keeps this 74 year old man building all kinds of cool things every year. Ray is an inspiration to everyone he meets and I can only hope to work as hard as he does when I am in my mid 70’s.
Tight lines
Scott Sager